For preparation of the 1st International Congress on Buddhist Women's Role in the Sangha please find further material and references by the Committee of Western Buddhist Nuns (CWB) here.
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1. Research regarding the Lineage of Bhiksuni Ordination (PDF) A Response to Necessary Research Regarding the Lineage of Bhiksuni Vinaya: Paper by the Committee of Western Bhikshunis (CWB)
2. The Tibetan translation (PDF) of Paper 1
3. Bhiksunis in Theravada (PDF): Paper by Bhante Sujato
4. The Restoration of the bhikkhunīsangha in the Theravāda tradition (PDF): English translation of a manuscript of a lecture at Hamburg university by Dr. Kieffer-Pülz
5. Gender Transformation in the Vinayapitaka of the Theravadins (PDF)
6. Excerpt from a letter to His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Word) with References:
7. A New Possibility: Introducing Full Ordination for Women into the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition by Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron; published in "Mandala" June/July 2006 pp 55-56
8. Buddhist nuns in the global community (Word) by Karma Lekshe Tsomo