by Ven. Bhiksuni Wei-Chun
In this article, we shall discuss the legal ordination sequence for a lay woman to become a fully-ordained bhiksuni, with the emphasis on the various conditions that have to be fulfilled in the full-ordination proceedings. Upon having completed the two preliminary stages, namely, the sramaneri and siksamana, the candidate first has to be ordained in the side of the Bhiksunisamgha by a quorum of ten (or twelve) bhiksunis and then she should receive the full ordination in the Dual Samgha on the same day. While going through the proceedings, the following four conditions have to be fulfilled to constitute a legitimate ordination.
1. The qualification of the candidate
The candidate must have received her Going-forth from a qualified bhiksuni, have completed her two years of study in the siksamana precepts in the Bhiksunisamgha, and have observed the six rules (according to the Dharmagupta tradition) without transgression.
2. The validity of the territory
The ordination platform territory for holding the ordination ceremony has to be authorized by the bhiksus and bhiksunis respectively.
3. The validity of the assembly
The specific quorums of bhiksus and bhiksunis are needed to validate the ordination.
4. The accurate performance of the jnapticaturtha karman in the Samgha
The detailed explanation of each condition will be presented in accordance with the Vinaya.
In the concluding part, tribute will be paid to the late Vinaya Master Kuang Hua (廣化律師) who has inspired the bhiksunis in Taiwan since 1982 to follow the legal ordination sequence prescribed by the Buddha in the Vinaya. The correct sequence is preserved and widely implemented till now. This is something we, as members of the Buddhist Bhiksunisamgha Community in Taiwan, can be proud of.